About – MGO Studios

One galaxy to the next.

Our business was born with a pencil, a pad, one clunky Macintosh and raging river of possibility flowing through our hearts. Perhaps your business started out in a similar fashion? You didn’t know exactly where you’d end up, but you couldn’t bear another moment standing still. You’re in touch with the truth of this universe, idleness is not respected, only gumption, struggle and grit.

Of course, creativity is the force behind it all - be it science, technology, fashion - imagination is the spark of innovation, mutation driving the engine of change. Nature can teach us it’s coveted secrets, it's principles - if we pay attention.

Strike a fire.

Perpetually there will always be more messages bombarding us every year than the one before. Remember that more doesn’t mean more quality, just more. Waves on the beach that quickly retreat into the great pool, soon forgotten. This is the quintessential dilemma of modern advertising and graphic design.

The right partner for your quest.

A good hunter hires a tracker who knows the land. The tracker helps spot nuance, details the hunter could overlook (research). The tracker thinks ahead, considers the weather, the season, the temperature (strategy) to know where the prey will be. The gist of this drawn out analogy is, when you hire a design house it’s for the research and strategy just as much the final graphics. It’s how we came do the decision to use yellow instead of magenta as an accent color, or 10,000 other decisions born from diving in and understanding your business as well as you do. The Value is in the whole package, not the final Photoshop files. So be it us, or another agency, choose your quest mates with deliberation.

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